Sunday, January 15, 2012

Black Plate Special

Just a tip for all the bloggers out there...

You really don't ever need to start your blog posts with something like "Sorry I haven't posted in a while"

Quite often when you find an old orphaned blog, you'll see that the last 5 posts all start with "Sorry I haven't posted in a while" and then a 3 month span in between each post.

Just make your post!

Orphaned blog: black plate special : an ana friendly food blog

Post history: 6 total posts, from 8/2010 to 9/2010.

Author: embre

If you haven't heard of the term "ana" it's a nickname for "anorexia".

So this blog was all recipes in support of the anorexic super skinny waif lifestyle.

The author also had another blog, which was orphaned in 2011.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

About Us

Lost in spaaaaaaace!

At one time blogging was the hot new craze on the Internet.

It brought us the term "blogiverse" and thousands of young teenage girls flocked to create their own world... And then short thereafter abandoned those blogs forever.

Now there are so many blogs left behind, that it's probably more common to find a dead blog than an active one!

So the purpose of this blog is to go have some fun finding old abandoned blogs and highlighting them here, with an interesting summary of the blog's footprint on the web.

So keep up your blogging, or you might be the next one we link to! ;)